Dealing with the Possibility of an Out of Town Delivery
The anxiety of giving birth is stressful enough for a woman, then add to that issues either medical or the unknown after birth and a person can go into a complete tailspin. The mother here is worried about having to be transferred to another hospital quite far from her comfort zone. She is trying to calm her anxiety by telling herself that she has skilled doctors making the decisions that need to be made. The worst part of this for her is the unknown. She has been waiting for her doctor to say yes or no.
Key Takeaways:
- Anxiety has been a near-constant companion through this pregnancy, and that hasn’t changed in the third trimester.
- Our local hospital is great, and they handle a lot of births. However, the obstetrics department is really set up for term, non-emergent births.
- Forceps and vacuum delivery should be avoided unless totally necessary, owing to the increased risk of bleeding.
“Anxiety has been a near-constant companion through this pregnancy, and that hasn’t changed in the third trimester.”