Does your diet change your breastmilk?
The things you eat can sometimes affect your breastmilk, but how does that affect your child? Most women don’t really need to worry about it, however some children have a sensitivity to lactose and cutting cow’s milk out of your diet can prevent stomach upset in 2-7% of babies.
Breastmilk is always going to be better for your baby than formula. It’s easier for them to digest, so if your baby has a cow’s milk allergy it’s best for you to continue breastfeeding and stop drinking cow’s milk than switch your baby to formula.
You don’t have to eat in a specialized way if you’re breastfeeding. In fact, some experts say eating a variety of foods could potentially flavor your breast milk differently and results in fewer feeding issues for your child in the future.
Eating gassy foods likely does not result in a gassy baby – this is probably an old wives’ tale. It’s more likely your baby will react to actual food given to him directly than breastmilk. All babies get gas sometimes – their digestive systems are still developing, after all!
Read the full article here: Are Babies Sensitive To What Mom Is Eating?