“We’re pregnant!”
Pregnancy is a deeply emotional, physical and personal experience for a woman, regardless of whether or not she has a supportive partner. Yet still many men want to share in the experience and are happy to tell people, “we’re pregnant!” Some women are happy to share the experience, but for others those words mean war.
Over at Scary Mommy, Jamie Scrimgeour has a rant on the topic that’s worth a read. She makes some excellent points in an entertaining and humorous way, citing many reasons why “we’re pregnant” is a horrible thing for any man to say. After all, we’re the ones gaining weight and dealing with all the hormonal and physical stress that comes with the experience, let alone the demanding process of giving birth itself – something our husbands can never understand!
Still, most men aren’t saying “we” in an effort to undermine our hardships. They genuinely want to be part of the experience, and in many ways they are. They’re the ones holding our hair while we puke from morning sickness. They bring us our dinner when getting off the sofa is something of an accomplishment, and they hold our hands while we’re screaming in pain to deliver a little miracle.
Rather than get upset over phrasing, perhaps we should appreciate the fact that we’re lucky enough to not be going through this entirely alone.
Read the full article here: There Is No WE In Pregnancy