King of the Hill (Literally)
The All Party Parliamentary Group in the United Kingdom has recently published a report that suggests allowing and even recommending kids to play near “potentially dangerous” hazards.
The impulse is to yell it down as stupid, but that may be part of their argument. They claim that, “Societal fears about child safety have resulted in increased parental over-suppervision… who have expressed a reluctance to allow their children to play outside… The world beyond the front door is increasingly viewed as one that’s hostile for children.”
Viewing the typical playground environment as too safe and unchallenging, the group has recommended children explore and develop traits such as self-reliance and resilience.
Some parents are against the idea still, just on principal. But there’s something to be said for a kid to go on an adventure. Do you remember the excitement you had, heading off on your own or with your friends to explore the world. It might just be something to let your kids do as they get older, they’re going to want to anyway.
Read the full article: Researchers say kids need more ‘dangerous play’: Here’s what we think