Confession: My Valentine Doesn’t Bring Me Flowers Or Buy Me Presents
I’m not exactly well-versed in the history of this holiday, but Valentine’s Day seems to be all about grand gestures. Giant teddy bears, chocolate-covered strawberries, three-course candlelit dinners, bubble baths with champagne, and king-sized beds covered in rose petals. But my Valentine doesn’t do any of those things for me. Sure, my Valentines in the past might have splurged on a sweet piece of jewelry or a Swedish massage. But today, things are a little different. Because my Valentine doesn’t bring me flowers or buy me presents, no. My Valentine does things a little differently.
My Valentine gives me sticky kisses and toothless smiles.
She draws me elaborate love letters using every crayon in the box,
and makes me mismatched meals out of plastic food.
My Valentine picks me fresh dandelions from the yard,
because she knows they’re superior to any store-bought bouquet.
Sometimes my Valentine will surprise me with an unexpected hug,
or make me laugh so loud we wake the cat and scare the dog.
My Valentine serenades me with songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
and gets all dressed up in her finest Peppa Pig Pajamas for the occasion.
But best of all?
My Valentine doesn’t only do these things once a year.
She spoils me with the same royal treatment,
Each and every day.