Why We All Need A Mommy Time-Out

There are days when being a mom is truly unicorns and rainbows. Maybe your baby finally slept through the night or maybe he gave you so many kisses and hugs that your heart is overflowing. Whatever the case, you are loving motherhood.

Then there are the days when your child has painted your walls with all of the food he’s decided he’s not going to eat or just won’t stop fussing no matter what you do. Whatever the case, you are not feeling the joys of motherhood. You just want to sit quietly in a room with the door closed or maybe you want to go for a run or maybe you just want to scream. 

It doesn’t matter what you choose…you need a mommy time-out.

But, are you going to take it?

Are you really going to take the time to give yourself something you desperately need or are you going to put your superhero cape on and pretend you’re fine?

Unfortunately, the majority of us do the latter. We don’t take the mommy time-out we need because we’re afraid.

Afraid someone will think we’re a bad mom because we’re not with our child 24/7…

Afraid that we should be catching up on chores instead…

Afraid to ask for a helping hand…

Afraid to admit that motherhood can be trying and exhausting…

Afraid that something is wrong with us because we’re feeling burnt out…

It’s okay to be afraid, but it’s not okay to ignore what you need. If any of the above sounds like you, don’t worry, I get it. I used to be just like you….afraid to just breathe and take a time- out…afraid what other people would think…afraid that I would be disappointing my children…the list goes on.

In reality, I was only hurting myself. By not taking the time-out that I needed, I wasn’t being the best “me” I could be and certainly not the best mom. When you’re frazzled and agitated, it’s pretty hard to sing nursery rhymes or play peek-a-boo. Your mood just isn’t having it and your baby can tell too. Researchers have found that your baby can pick up on your bad vibes. Even he knows when you’re stressed out to the max and need a mommy time-out. Isn’t it time to take one?

What’s going to happen if you take a mommy time-out? You may think that the world around you is going to crumble. The truth is, everyone will be just fine, including your baby.

Guess what? You will be too!

I’ve found that mommy time-outs, no matter how big or small, have helped me to be a better mom. By taking the time I need for myself, I’m able to completely tune in to my kids without being distracted or annoyed. My mind is at ease and focused. 

When I was pre-mommy time outs, I was a hot mess express…short-tempered, sulky, and just not fun to be around. Post-mommy-time outs and my patience is improved. I’m in a happier mood, and I’m more fun to be around.

What can you do for a mommy time-out? If the idea still freaks you out, start out small. When you have someone who can watch your child, go out for a short walk or try an online meditation or exercise program for a few minutes. Even sitting in your car by yourself can be a worthwhile time-out! It’s all about taking the time to breathe and decompress for however long you can. Once you see how it makes you feel, venture out for more. Trust me; you’re going to want it!

Maybe your next mommy time-out is a coffee date with a friend or a shopping trip to your favorite store minus the stroller (it really is a little slice of heaven!). When you return from your time-out, your child will be happy to see you…and you’ll be happy to see him. You will have gotten rid of all that bad juju and feel ready to conquer whatever motherhood throws at you…even a dish of mashed peas!

Taking a mommy time out doesn’t make you a bad mom. Just the opposite. It makes you a mom who realizes that self-care is just as important as taking care of her child. No one said motherhood was going to be easy. But no one said you can’t take a break either.

Remember…take baby steps when you’re first hopping aboard the mommy time-out train. We all have to learn to crawl before we can walk.

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