Looking to Increase Your Pumping Output? Try Parallel Pumping!
When my child was a newborn, it was incredibly difficult to even think about feeding the never satisfied baby. Breastfeeding is quite honestly one of the most difficult tasks a mother is faced with on a daily basis and may not be an option for some. In her new blog post, Jessica Martin-Weber breaches the topic of getting more value from your breast pumping time by proposing feeding and pumping together and provides a step by step guide on how you can get started today.
Key Takeaways:
- Pumping breast milk can be an option for lactating mothers but it is not every lactating mother will want to take this route to reach their breastfeeding goals.
- The primary way that mothers can ensure that they have sufficient breast milk in their breasts is to empty the breasts at a regular basis.
- The output of breast milk is different from supply and one should distinguish between providing milk to a baby and just getting the milk out.
“Whatever the reason for pumping breastmilk- whether it is to supplement your baby with your milk when you are away from them, to supplement at-the-breast feeds regularly, or in order to donate – efficiency and sufficient milk supply are certainly desired.”
Read more: http://theleakyboob.com/2019/06/looking-to-increase-your-pumping-output-try-parallel-pumping/