Ways to Celebrate When You’ve Reached the End of your Breastfeeding Journey

So you’ve reached the end.  Like a female Frodo Baggins, you’ve come to the end of your journey, thrown the….nipple?…into the fires of Mount Doom (ouch?) and have completed this quest.  Okay look, I know the metaphor isn’t the best but hang tight with me please. The MAIN point is that now you deserve to rest of up and rejoice in your own personal Rivendell.  You did it! You did the thing!

  1. A giant round cake.  Or no, make that TWO giant round cakes.  With cherries on top. It’ll be cute.
  2. Spa day.  
  3. Buy all new bras!
  4. Take a trip.  You don’t have to worry about pumping or being home by feeding time!  The world is your oyster! Pay the sitter. Hell, start a GoFundMe.
  5. Get a tattoo.  I mean, why not?  Your body has been forever impacted anyway, right?  Why not lean into the magic of change?
  6. A very nice stiff drink with nobody to second-guess your decision.  FINALLY.
  7. Sit in an entirely different part of your house while someone else feeds your baby.
  8. Disappear entirely.  JK! But it’s tempting, I get it.  The idea of clocking out once I was done and just like, recharging and maybe assuming a whole new identity was definitely tempting back when I was in your shoes.  Taking a trip to Hawaii, disappearing into a volcano, whatever, just anything to be doooooone and finally get some me-time, you know?
  9. Ignore the above!  Just go leave your house without a baby lovingly attached to your breast!  It is wild and freeing.
  10. Crank up your favorite tunes and belt them out in triumph.
  11. Order yourself a custom trophy from one of those Little League places.  Or maybe a bowling ball league place. More representation of boobs that did a job!
  12. Rent one of those inflatable car sales flailing tube guys and put him up in front of your house as a large visual victory display.  BOOOOOBS. YEAHHHHH! YOU DID THEM! WEEEEE!
  13. Write an entire song about your journey and perform it for your child and yourself.
  14. Journal your feelings.
  15. Sit down, kick back, and pat yourself on the back (and boobs).  I’m really proud of you. I thought someone should tell you that, in case nobody has.  

Seriously. You did it.  However long, whatever your journey, however you’ve arrived at this post and the end of your time, you did it.  Cheers.


  • This made me cry with happiness – so well worded and really made me realize what an accomplishment it actually was. Thank you for writing this! I’m going to have a nice, stiff drink now 😉

  • Thank you so much for this. I literally cried.

  • This is incredible!!! I read so many articles that could only recommend milk jewelry. This hilarious brainstorm got my juices flowing. I think I will take some time to write thank you notes to those that supported me during my journey. And throw a bobby party (all of my close friends have weaned too) We could celebrate the whole team!!! And I am defiantly getting muyelf a custom trophy!!!

  • Thank you ! We did 17 months !

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