9 Signs Mom is Having a Girl (Plus How Accurate They Really Are!)
As soon as mom’s egg and his sperm meet and shake hands, in a manner of speaking, the baby’s sex is decided. It’s all about DNA. So, mom’s body is already housing a known quantity long before theyget to be in on the secret. Of course, there are tests for that, legitimate and scientific ones, as well as the fun ones Granny told us about. As far as science goes, genitalia does not become visible before three months. A blood test that will prove conclusive can be done a short time after that. Also, there’s always the 20 week ultrasound, if mom is prepared to wait that long. Now for the keen guesses, courtesy of grandma. Nauseous mamas have girls. Not necessarily true. However, a particularly icky variant of morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum which is severe and often includes weight loss and electrolyte imbalance could skew in favor of a female pregnancy, because of possibly higher hormones, which could include estrogen. Belly shape is another factor people tend to confuse with having to do with baby’s sex. However, it’s more likely to do with mama’s shape and the amount of amniotic fluid in the baby’s sac. Other things that generally have nothing to do with baby’s sex are skin oiliness, urine color, heart rate, intuition, dreams, food cravings and the pigment line that appears on mamma’s tummy.
Key Takeaways:
- The baby’s sex is determined at the exact moment of conception, depending on whether an X or Y sperm fertilizes the egg.
- There is some small truth to the myth that severe morning sickness can indicate that the baby is a girl.
- During labor, baby girls tend to have a higher heart rate than boys, but this is not the case during the pregnancy itself.
“But be warned: many of these “tests” are no more than old wives’ tales but they are fun (and help the time pass until mom knows for sure!).”
Read more: https://www.mamanatural.com/signs-youre-having-a-girl/