Daniel Tiger Episodes I Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

  1. Daniel Tiger’s library books are all overdue but they’re hidden somewhere in the house, can Daniel Tiger pleaaaaaaase tell his mom and dad where they are?
  2. Daniel Tiger only wants to eat chicken nuggets and nothing else, not now, not ever
  3. Daniel Tiger needs to stop running into the street in front of trolley so Mom Tiger can stop having heart attacks dear LORD Daniel
  4. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is way too hot for playing outside but inside is BORING
  5. Daniel Tiger wants to drink from the pool, hork
  6. Daniel Tiger’s mom is trying to sell old baby Daniel Tiger clothes and cloth diapers on Craigslist (Neighborhoodlist?) and people keep flaking on her dangit
  7. Daniel Tiger’s mom just wants to read a book on the beach but everybody has neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds
  8. Daniel Tiger’s great grandma doesn’t think it’s okay for boy tigers to like pink
  9. Daniel Tiger’s mom gets locked out of Netflix because the baby smashed a bunch of remote keys and now it doesn’t work ahhhhhhh
  10. Daniel Tiger’s family decides to try driving at night for the vacation!  Everyone is exhausted! Oh yeah, driving all night while the baby tigers sleep means YOU ARE NOT SLEEPING THAT NIGHT and still have to parent responsibly the following morning…and rest of the day…
  11. Daniel Tiger goes to pet an animal without realizing the fence is an electric fence; alternative title: Daniel Tiger learns about the wonders of electricity!  Other alternative title: Daniel Tiger’s mom feels REALLY BAD (but also really mad there were no signs)
  12. Daniel Tiger’s mom just wants a nap
  13. And maybe a drink
  14. Mostly a nap tho
  15. Please?


  • I completely agree! I was looking the other day and realized they don’t have an episode for saying “please” and “thank you”! There is a “thank you neighbor” but not “thank you for giving me the one thing I keep demanding again and again without saying PLEASE”.

  • Hahaha! I thoroughly enjoyed this.

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