How to Deal With Postpartum Hair Loss According to Reddit
After giving birth, a new mother can of course expect a number of changes to her body. One of the unwelcome and common ones, however, is postpartum hair loss. To help get through this time, there are a few tricks you can use. First, ensure that you keep up your nutrient levels, using supplements as needed. Secondly, utilize hair accessories, thin-hair shampoos, and other products to help mitigate the effects. And finally, wait it out – while it might not seem like it, the effect should only be temporary.
Key Takeaways:
- Post-partum moms may want to keep the pre-natal vitamins on tap, while they deal with thinning hair, as the vitamins will replenish their folic acid and E stores.
- Some products that can aid new moms with hair loss are thickening shampoos, volumizers, and re-grow products, like women’s Rogaine.
- For hair that’s gone baby fine, try bobby pins that you’ve pre-treated with a spritz of hairspray.
“A quick Google search not only confirmed I wasn’t the only new mom who feared going totally bald forever, but it also unearthed some clever advice for dealing with the molting, thinning, breakage and awkward regrowth — particularly in Reddit’s r/beyondthebump threads.”
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Following some home remedies like applying onion juice to hair also helps.