2017 resolutions for parenting your anxious child
Notice your child worrying or acting nervous a lot? Parenting these anxious children can be nerve racking and produce a lot of negativity. With 2017 just getting under way why not make some resolutions to parent your anxious child better. First start by accepting the anxiety and help your children come up with tools or ways to deal with their anxiety. Help your child figure out ways to get past the nervous break downs and fits. Never be afraid to ask for help whether its from a professional or even family.
Key Takeaways:
- Think of learning to deal with anxiety not unlike learning to walk. You can’t carry your kid around all their lives, and you certainly can’t do it emotionally. Help them learn how to balance on those legs.
- You know you can’t argue away that anxiety, but sometimes you can’t help yourself. If your child is melting down about taking the bus to school, listen with empathy. Instead of arguing, validate.
- Express confidence to your child that they’ll be OK, and that with practice, their anxiety levels will drop over time.
“Parenting an anxious child, even with the best intentions, can grind you into a rut of reaction and negativity. With the new year comes the opportunity to break free of old patterns and re frame how you and your child tackle their anxiety together.”