Have Children, Will Travel: Why Travel If They Won’t Remember?
The article addresses the common issue of traveling with a small child. While many believe this is quite difficult to do this article outlines how easy and fun it can really be. This article contains a dozen reasons why traveling with a child is actually a fun and enriching experience for the whole family.
Key Takeaways:
- although the children may be too young to remember, the parents will remember the travel and the experience
- while taking the children on the travel trips with them, the parents get to experience the travel through the eyes of their children
- It helps keep our relationship as husband and wife healthy:Being able to experience new things in another country is great for our relationship.
“There’s a difference between experience and memory. For us, it’s enough that the children will get to experience new things. Even if they won’t remember that trip to Italy or Guatemala, the experiences they have as young children will help shape how they react to future experiences.”