The Drinking Update
Earlier this month, the CDC announced their new, updated guidelines for women and drinking. While there has never been a specified amount of alcohol that can be considered a “safe” amount, what with it being alcohol and everything, there’s always been a certain amount women could be allowed to drink. Now they’ve gone with the simplest idea, and taken it even further – if you’re not using contraception, women should abstaine from drinking at all.
The idea is to reduce the risk of FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) in all children, especially for women who wouldn’t even realize they were pregnant. Otherwise, there’s always a chance that a new pregnancy could be affected by FASD.
It’s also incredibly broad, and almost feels like a scare tactic against women who otherwise might just want to have a drink. As Amy Morrison with Pregnant Chicken put it, “It’s like advising everyone with a driver’s license to avoid alcohol to reduce the chances of drunk driving.”
Read the Full Article: What now? Who now? The CDC’s New Guideline for Alcohol in Pregnancy