Wonderful Weird Moms
Parenting is an incredible journey full of fun and frustration. There are as many ways to parent as there are parents themselves. Yet knowing that, quick parenting judgments and comparisons are made constantly. Luckily that doesn’t mean you have to listen to them!
In this refreshing article at Scary Mommy, Patti Ford explains what it’s like to be considered a weird mom and how she stopped caring what other people think. She offers insight on how we try to fit in through school, doing what the popular kids do. It’s much the same when we become mothers, all trying to be the best.
It’s stressful enough being a parent. No one needs pressure to conform sprinkled on top. Parenting is best done the way you feel is best. When you trust your instincts and do what’s right for you and your family, you’re doing just fine!
Read the full article here: Why I’m No Longer Afraid to Be a “Weird” Mom