These 6 Things Help Cure Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
For people who have never had the displeasure of experiencing depression or anxiety, it can be difficult to understand what it feels like. Unfortunately many mothers suffer from postpartum depression and reaching out for help is challenging, but the help of others is exactly what you need.
This article featured at The Leaky Boob describes the author’s personal postpartum experience and how she got the help she needed. She lists six things others can do to help a woman with postpartum depression and anxiety, including accepting their condition, listening to them, waiting rather than suggesting, being supportive, sharing experiences, and helping them fight by standing at their side.
Postpartum depression is an ugly beast, but it can be defeated with the compassion and kindness of supportive friends, family, and community. You don’t have to go it alone!
Read the full article here: Six Ways To Support Someone With Postpartum Depression/ Postpartum Anxiety