Top 5 Inside Activities To Do With Little Kids During Frozen Hoth-Like Weather

It was really cold this past week where I live.  Like, REALLY COLD.  And since it’s only January, I have a feeling this won’t be the last freezing week of Hoth-like temperatures to keep us all stuck inside.  Because let’s be real: even if your little ones do want to play outside in sub-zero temperatures, it might not be safe with the clothing you own, or maybe (just maybe) you don’t want to play out there yourself, fun times or not.

So in order to pass as much time as possible with my 3 year old and 9-month old, I resorted to the following top five “funtivities” aka “sanity-saving time-sucks”:

  • Collage-a-palooza! I scoured the house for some old magazines I didn’t care about anymore, and landed on some Martha Stewart ones that, let’s be real, I was never going to browse for recipes since I hadn’t so far and these issues were three years old.  My 3-year-old has been learning to use scissors at preschool, so this presented the perfect opportunity to get her to go to town and work on skill building (aka, taking a long long long time to do a task!).  We decided she’d cut out all of her favorite things, and since food is among her greatest pleasures in life, this was an easy enough assignment.  After cutting out all photos of pies and macaroni and Ritz crackers, we glued them all down, then applied googly eyes and glitter, because why the heck not.  (I know, not everyone is into the glitter game.  Do or do not, it’s up to you!)  Total time: About an hour from start to finish.  Go team!
  • Dance Party! This usually ate up good fifteen-twenty minute chunks of time between other activities.  Pandora is a godsend.  Bonus: enough dancing will keep you moving when you’re cooped up inside for days on end, and will tire the kids out hopefully enough for a wee nap later in the day.  Total time: About an hour a day, combining party sessions.
  • Who Is Faster? My little 9-month-old is learning to crawl faster and faster, so “racing” the baby against wind-up toys, the three-year-old, stuffed animals helped with some adult intervention, etc can eat up a nice bit of time and lets the baby do what he wants to do anyway: crawl towards the dog’s water bowl as fast as he can.  (Obviously, I never let him reach his final goal. Sorry bub.)  Total time: Varies on attention span of both parties, but about 10-30 minutes, depending on stamina and interest.
  • Paper ring chains. I forgot these existed until this week, but making paper chains is fun and easy enough for even little kids to get in on the action, if you don’t mind your tape dispenser getting a little wrinkled up.  Total time: About 30 minutes before interest inevitably waned.  Still, it’s a good project to pick up and put down as needed, so it’s great in rotation.
  • Reading Rainbow and Shaun the Sheep on Amazon Prime. Because sometimes we need to give ourselves some grace and use some screen time.  These programs are immensely tolerable, so that’s nice.  Total time: About an hour.  Don’t judge meeeeeeee.
  • Bonus: Let’s Make Nachos And Eat Them: My favorite game. Total time: 30 minutes to prep & consume as a family.

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