Category Archives: News

Sleeping it All Off

Giving birth is exhausting, in a way that no other physical activity is. And afterwards, a bit of rest is definitely due. But sometimes, it can get a little out of hand. Jody Robson, who may suffer from Kleine-Levin syndrome, has been known to fall into days (and even week) long slumbers. But when this one hit, she ended up giving birth

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Where to Go for the Holidays?

After I got married, me and my husband realized a surprising debate topic, that we’ve had to go back to countless times… See, we both have big families, and every year, for every holiday, both set of our parents will call us up asking for a visit. Which is tough, because her family, my family, and our family (my husband and out children) all

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How to Get a Present for a Teacher

If your kids have the kind of teacher who’s truly deserving of a present this holiday season, it can be difficult to figure out the perfect gift for them. But it’s also very easy to get them the wrong present. Unless they really know you, they don’t want your homemade food. They already have things with their initials. And trust me, EVERYONE

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How to Have Fun Learning

The internet is an amazing tool, for literally a countless number of reasons. But if you’re trying to help teach your children, there’s a plethora of websites that don’t really do a good job of it. Jill Robbins from sheknows has put together a great list of educational sites that don’t just educate, but entertain. So go take a look at

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Working Your Way to the Front of the Line

A Florida middle-school has come under controvesy lately with their lunchtime rewards plan for good students. Woodrow Wilson Middle School in Tampa, Florida, had instituted a policy that saw students with high marks in class given preferential spots during lunch lines. Other students with C averages or worse found themselves at the back. After protest from concerned parents, the policy

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Going Sober on Screens

We live in a digital age, but sometimes it can be important to get away from all of the distractions. Take the Bernaba family, who decided to try out removing all those conflicting and all-consuming screens and see what happens. Turns out, families grow further and further apart when they have distractions going off in between them, because obviously. It’s

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Breaking the Santa News

Every child has to learn that Santa isn’t real at some point, but sometimes it can get out of hand. Twenty six second graders in a Stoneham, Massachusetts school has a substitute teacher arrive into the class and, during the course of the day, casually brought up how Santa totally isn’t real, because that person is a monster. The children

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