Category Archives: News

TSA Too Invasive? Probably.

With the holidays over, most of you probably had to fly at some point. And that means that, at some point, you have to deal with the TSA. airport secruity is always a hassle, but this is just ridicuous. California father Kevin Payne was aghast when his ten year old daughter was declared a suspect and was promptly frisked by

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Out and About

Whatever your thoughts on breastfeeding are, this is the sort of experiment you need to see. Trollstation is a youtube prank channel, usually quick with a mean spirited bit. But their most recent video is actually kind of important. It features an actress named Amina Maz in a crowded part of London, pretending to be breastfeeding. And with a hidden camera,

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An Allergy Allergy

When it turns out that your children have an allergy, it’s worse than just eliminating a single product from your life – it doesn’t mater that I love peanuts, if my kids have an allergy, that means no more peanuts, as I sadly learnt – it introduces a whole new level of fear into your world. It means the outside

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The Dangers of Mom Guilt

As I’m sure every parents who’s reading this can attest, it can be difficult to say no to your children. Especially if they know what buttons to press. Maybe they shed a single tear, maybe they suck up, but if there’s something they want, it’s easy for a sense of guilt to set in. But it’s vital to remember that

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Parenting in 140 Characters

Being a parents means finding a whole new world of comedy. There are certain things that, let’s face it, only other parents are going to understand. And sometimes, those things are hilarious. Carolyn Robertson with babycenter has put together the best twenty one tweets about parenting to come out of 2015, and they’re definitely worth checking out. It’s like staring

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Putting Together the Baby Box

Well, it seems to be working pretty well so far. Hospitals in Alberta, Canada, have begun introducing a program known as the “Welcome to Parenthood” campaign. Started in Finland, the program provides new mothers with a box of supplies to help care for their new children. It’s a wonderfully sweet campaign to run, and probably does more good than anyone

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