Category Archives: News

The “village” we’ve been looking for is in volunteer parents

Volunteer parents are great for coaching. Parent coaches have upstanding character. They are kind, patient, courteous at all levels. Students gravitate toward this type of behavior. Furthermore, PTA parents are also important and they dedicate a lot of their time planing, decorating and executing great events. Overall being a volunteer parent is great thing weather its coaching or being part

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No solid answer on how to treat morning sickness

Morning sickness is a common ailment among expectant mothers. Unfortunately, data derived from research has been inconclusive in determining which remedy for morning sickness is most effective. The key to treatment may be in Vitamin B6, some antihistamines, or a prescription heartburn drug. The herb ginger may also be effective in relieving nausea. Most medical experts recommend that diet be

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It’s that time of year

There has been some recent insight given into the time of year that every parent in particular steals from their children. This particular time of year is October. In particular the stealing from kids refers to parent stealing not needed candy from their kids. However when it comes to Halloween their are some parents that cater to the every needs

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