You’re Going to Survive Breastfeeding. Here’s How.

Breastfeeding was so hard for me. I know people always say it shouldn’t be hard, but the reality for me was that it was hard. These things helped. I’m sharing them in the hopes that they might help you, too.
- Remember, fed is best. You are doing your best to breastfeed, but it shouldn’t kill you. If you feel like you’re experiencing scary mental health stuff, talk to someone, now. Postpartum depression is real, and can impact every aspect of your life. Get help. There is no shame in having a brain that gets impacted by birth and motherhood. Talk to someone. A friend, a professional, someone, anyone. (Professional help is also best, but maybe talking to a friend is an easier first step.)
- Speaking of talking to a friend, having a friend or two to lean on when it gets hard is so vital. In our consumer culture, people often get sold a list of goods that will make it all easier (and some of those things really will make it easier, I’m getting to that!) but never forget that the power of a real friend can be the most powerful help of all when it comes to hard things. That goes for breastfeeding, potty training, and working through too little sleep.
- Treat yourself to gear that works. Having a pump that doesn’t suck (that’s a pun?) and clothes that make breastfeeding less of a hurdle can make your breastfeeding journey smoother overall. Little stress points like low-quality gear can make life more stressful all around, so invest in yourself and your journey. Might I recommend this site? 😉
- If you’re pumping as part of your breastmilk feeding, get your partner on board to be a partner in that if they aren’t able to produce milk themselves.
- Don’t forget to eat snacks. Your body is producing more! You need to take care of yourself. I learned this the hard way when stress would make me skip whole meals while breastfeeding and pumping at work, and it impacted my supply negatively. (I had wonderful friends who sent me literal snacks in the mail which is why I refer you to point number 2 on this list: have friends who love you and care and have been there, preferably.)
- Did you know that places like big Amtrak stations have special pods for breastfeeding mothers now? What a time to be alive. (But also, you don’t have to hide in a pod if you don’t want to in order to feed your child. You do you!!! Proudly!)
- Literally, you can breastfeed anywhere, and THIS makes it survivable AF, even if people still give the stink-eye. Nobody can FORCE you into the aforementioned pod.
- Look I’m just going to say it again: find a community of moms. Be supported, support right back. Like….like a good bra. That’s what a mom community is. A bra for your soul. And, when breastfeeding, your boobs! A mental health bra. Yep. Gonna cross-stitch that.
- Know that you’re doing a great job.
- You really, really are. I’m proud of you.